Our Fees
What’s included?
At Ash Park Childcare, our Nursery Prices include the following:
- Nappies and Wipes
- Cows Milk
- 2 Snacks per day
However, the following is not included and parents must provide:
Prescribed / Specialist Equipment required by the child.
Formula Milk – which must be UNOPENED and NAMED, when left at the Nursery.
Sun Protection
Spare Clothes
Weather Protection – (Sun Hat, Wellies, Raincoats, All in Ones)
Everyone loves a discount, even us! At Ash Park Childcare we offer a 10% sibling discount, which would be deducted from the lowest bill.
We also offer discount for holidays and absences! Should your little one not be attending due to sickness or holidays, we will give you 50% discount on the day they do not attend. However, we must receive 24 hours-notice of this absence.
At Ash Park Childcare, we currently offer all government funding, from 2 years old up to 3- and 4-year-old funding. We will also be offering funding for children aged 9 months, when it is introduced in September 2024.
Funding is available to the majority of the children and their families, should they meet the criteria, which can be found by following this link:
Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
Children are not eligible for their funding, until the term after their birthday:
Autumn Term Funding – Birthday between 1st April and the 31st August.
Spring Term Funding – Birthday between 1st September and 31st December
Summer Term Funding – Birthday between 1st January and the 31st March
In order to get this funding, you must apply and receive an eligibility code, this code then needs forwarding on to Nursery, alongside your National Insurance Number to ashparkchildcare@outlook.com
At Ash Park Childcare, we believe you are entitled to your funding and therefore we offer you to use your funding in a number of ways, in which it supports you and your family best – stretching across the year, using it as a term time only place, as well as the opportunity to use it for the hours you see fit, as long as it does not exceed the maximum of 10 hours per day. However, we are aware that some of our local settings, do not offer this, but alternatively only offer the use of funding between certain hours, resulting in you having to pay a private fee for the hours you do require, at a much higher cost. Should you have any questions regarding how you can use your funding, we are more than happy to discuss this with you. Currently, we can offer funding 38 weeks of the year, which would mean you are able to use 15 or 30 hours a week, term time only. Alternatively, if you stretch your funding across 51 weeks of the year, you would be able to use 11 hours (2/3/4-year-old funding) or 22 hours (3/4-year-old funding) per week.
In order to secure a place at Ash Park Childcare, a security deposit and registration fee is required, alongside all relevant documentation completed. The security deposit is £100 per child, along with £25.00 registration fee, both must be paid prior to the individual starting at Ash Park Childcare. The deposit is refundable against your child’s final invoice at Nursery.
Tax-Free Childcare
Tax Free Childcare is a government system, that is in place to help support families with their childcare payment. We accept this at Ash Park Childcare. The system supports families, by paying £2.00 towards their childcare bill, for every £8.00 they pay.
You can find out more information and check your eligibility by following the link below:
Tax-Free Childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
A security deposit is required in order to secure a child’s place at Ash Park Nursery, along with all relevant documentation completed. The deposit of £100 is per child and must be paid prior to the individual starting / attending Ash Park. The deposit is refundable against the child’s final invoice at Nursery.
Full Day
07:30 - 18:30 (Breakfast, Lunch & Tea included)
Morning Session
07:30 - 13:00 (Breakfast & Lunch included)
Afternoon Session
13:00 - 18:30 (Tea included)
Hourly Rate
Meals would be an additional cost. Breakfast £1.50. Lunch £3.50. Tea £3.00
Full Time
5 Days a week, 07:30 - 18:30, all meals are included.
Term Time Only - Full Time
5 days a week, 07:30 - 18:30, 38 weeks of the year. All meals are included
Holiday Club
At Ash Park we also have a fabulous Holiday Club which is open all holidays apart from one week at Christmas.
We love to get out and about with our Holiday Club, to local attractions - making the holidays as fun as possible!
Full Day
07:30 - 18:30
Breakfast, Lunch and Tea
School Day
09:00 - 15:00
Bring own lunch

Out of School Club
We also provide wrap around care for children who attend Primary School. We drop off and collect from a majority of our local schools.
Morning Session & Drops Off
07:30 - 09:00 (Breakfast)
Afternoon Session & Pick Up
15:10 - 18:30
Full Day
Both of the above
Fee’s will be reviewed every year and Bill Payers will receive a notification of any changes.
Nursery fees are charged monthly in advance and are payable by the 1st of the month.
Fee’s must be paid to, please quote the invoice number when paying fees.
BACS or Cheque to
Ash Park Childcare Services LTD
Account Number: 40696838
Sort Code: 20-59-43
Extra Sessions
Should you need your child to attend Ash Park Childcare for an extra session in comparison to their usual booking pattern, we ask for as much prior notice as practicably possible. Ash Park Childcare has legal responsibilities to meet adult to child ratios, therefore it can sometimes be difficult to meet extra booking requests at late notice. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, we encourage requests to be made as soon as possible.
Extra sessions are added to the next invoice.